中风 & 神经与血管的护理


十大正规网赌软件 offers a comprehensive approach to stroke care, 从急诊科的早期干预治疗到住院和门诊康复服务,以帮助患者恢复功能和独立性. Providing acute care, rehabilitation and education for patients and their loved ones.

十大正规网赌软件获得了美国心脏和中风协会对中风治疗的最高国家认可 & 护理

十大正规网赌软件 is nationally recognized for achievement in stroke treatment. 多年来, 我们是美国心脏协会和美国中风协会获得指南金加质量成就奖的获得者.该奖项旨在表彰VMC在为中风患者提供优质护理方面的承诺和成功, 根据循证指南.

In addition to the Get with the Guidelines award, VMC也被认可为协会的目标:中风荣誉名单精英Plus的接受者, 改善中风护理. 这份荣誉名单是美国心脏协会(AHA) /美国心脏协会(ASA)授予Valley的最高荣誉,表彰她在到达医院后迅速提供静脉溶栓药物(即“从门到针”的时间)方面取得的成就。. 要获得这一奖项,至少75%的患者需要在45分钟内到达针管处,至少50%的患者需要在30分钟内到达针管处.

Valley also received the AHA/ASA Target: Type 2 Honor Roll award. 才有资格获得这个奖项, 医院必须连续12个月达到糖尿病质量标准,达到80%以上.


十大正规网赌软件的中风项目是联合委员会认证的血栓切除中风中心. The third 联合 Commission certified center in the state. 这一认证意味着我们的项目遵循了具体的科学指导方针,包括一个快速诊断和治疗中风患者的综合系统.

血栓切除术是一种治疗缺血性中风的方法,将血栓从为大脑供血的大血管中移除. 在这个过程中, 导管插入腿部或手腕的动脉,然后进入脑血管. 导致中风的血凝块随后从血管中移除,从而恢复大脑的血液流动. 我们通过脑梗死溶栓(TICI)评分来测量手术后血管的开放程度. In 2023, 90%接受取栓治疗的患者TICI评分为2b或更高,为最佳评分.

Data on more performance measures can be found 在这个林k

A stroke is when blood flow to the brain is disrupted. This occurs in one of two ways: ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke. 缺血性中风是由于血凝块或斑块阻塞了大脑中的一条重要血管而引起的血流中断. Hemorrhagic stroke is when a blood vessel in the brain bursts, 血液溢出到周围组织.

A cerebral stroke occurs when there is a vascular interruption to part of the brain, typically resulting in damage to brain tissue. 因此, 中风被认为是医疗紧急情况, in which expedient intervention has been shown to improve outcome. 取决于笔划的类型, 以及受影响的大脑区域, 脑中风对功能的影响可以有很大的不同,从短暂的语言或运动的丧失, 瘫痪,甚至死亡. 因此, 在十大正规网赌软件出现可能中风的患者将由医生和辅助治疗团队成员进行治疗,以优化患者的结果.

中风 ranks among the deadliest—and most complicated—of healthcare problems. Until recently physicians could treat only the devastating aftermath of stroke. But leading-edge stroke centers such as VMC's may limit, 在某些情况下甚至预防, 中风的后果.

A stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is blocked, depriving it of oxygen. 持续时间超过几分钟的剥夺会造成脑损伤,导致永久性残疾或死亡.

“确定中风的精确位置及其损害程度至关重要, 而且速度非常快,博士说。. Peter Balousek, a neurosurgeon and neurointerventionalist from VMC's 中风 Center. The program's expert team includes ED physicians, 神经学家, 住院医师, neurointerventionalists, 红外团队, 药剂师, 康复医学提供者, 物理治疗师, 言语治疗师, 职业治疗师.

神经介入医师在发生大血管中风时提供即时和一流的干预, 但博士. Balousek acknowledges they can't do a thing if symptoms are not recognized until it's too late. 了解中风的症状和体征,并立即拨打911,可以确保可以得到治疗,以扭转中风的影响.

VMC急诊服务医生卡尔·考夫曼(Karl Kaufmann)定期在急诊室为中风患者看病,并与Dr. Balousek. "In an emergency setting, it's crucial that people know who to call and when. Just like during a heart attack, every single minute counts.出于这个原因,  中风中心的主要目标之一是提供社区教育和宣传认识中风症状和体征的重要性.

  • Sudden numbness or weakness of face, arms, or legs, especially on one side of the body
  • Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding speech
  • 一只或两只眼睛突然看不见东西
  • Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination
  • 不明原因的突然剧烈头痛
  • 资料来源:美国神经病学学会

All of the above warning signs may not occur with each stroke. Take action immediately by calling 911 even if some of the signs go away.

Sudden nausea, vomiting or fever not caused by a viral illness
Brief loss or change of consciousness such as fainting, confusion, seizures or coma
Transient ischemic attack (TIA) or “mini-stroke”

A TIA can cause many of the same symptoms as a stroke, but TIA symptoms are transient and last for a few minutes or up to 24 hours. 这可能是中风即将发生的迹象,但并非所有中风都是由tia进行的.

If you or someone you know experiences these symptoms, call 9-1-1 immediately!  

The best way to prevent your risk of stroke is to monitor your blood pressure, 跟踪你的胆固醇水平, 停止吸烟, 经常锻炼,并检查是否需要服用药物来减少血液凝固. 美国心脏协会还发现,每天吃水果和绿色或黄色蔬菜可以预防中风.

Check out our interactive guide for patients, families and caregivers.
After a stroke: 中风恢复和预防指南



You can't control all of your risk factors for stroke. 但是,通过遵循以下谨慎的做法来保持心血管健康,对提高你的患病几率大有帮助.

  • 控制血压
  • 监测血液胆固醇
  • 停止吸烟
  • 治疗心脏病
  • 限制饮酒
  • 避免摄入过量的钠
  • 保持健康的体重
  • 定期锻炼
  • 治疗糖尿病
  • 减轻压力

快速发现划水: Face drooping; Arm weakness; Speech difficulty; Time to call 9-1-1

Watch this American 中风 Association video demonstrating the distinctive body language of stroke.

数秒的时候,你能发现中风吗? 做这个测试,找出答案吧!

According to the American Academy of Neurology, 中风是美国成年人死亡的第三大原因,也是导致成人残疾的主要原因. 在全国范围内,每年大约有75万人患中风,大约16万人因此死亡. While there is no stereotypical stroke victim, physicians have identified some facts related to stroke:

  • 中风 risk increases shortly with age but can occur at any age
  • More than one-quarter of those who have a stroke are under 65 years old
  • 男性中风的几率略高于女性
  • More women die from strokes than from breast cancer
  • African-Americans have two times the stroke risk of Caucasians
  • Those with a family history of stroke and heart disease have an increased stroke risk

Treatment for a stroke varies based on type, severity and location. 这取决于它是由血凝块(缺血性)还是脑出血(出血性)引起的。. 我们的中风诊所专家使用CT(计算机断层扫描)扫描您的头部,可能还有磁共振成像(MRI)来确定您所患中风的类型. Physicians may do further tests to discover the exact location of the clot or bleeding. Your blood pressures and breathing will be closely monitored and you might receive oxygen.

初始治疗的目的是恢复缺血性中风的血液流动或控制出血性中风的出血. The faster one receives treatment the less damage will occur.

在你中风的紧急治疗之后, 稳定后, treatment will then move to rehabilitation preventing another stroke. Controlling risk factors such as high blood pressure, 心房颤动(心律不齐), high cholesterol or diabetes play a major factor.

Your physician may want you to take aspirin or other antiplatelet medicines. You may have to take anticoagulants to prevent another stroke if you had an ischemic stroke. To control your blood pressure, you may also need to take statins to lower high cholesterol. 建议进行颈动脉内膜切除术,以清除颈动脉内积聚的斑块.

Valley cares deeply about our patients' recovery after stroke. 不管你的恢复目标是什么, Valley is here to assist in your recovery journey, helping you reach your highest potential and improve your quality of life. Learn more about caring for yourself after stroke.

If you are looking for more stroke-related resources, check out our 笔画资源页.

DocTalk: 中风 预防, 护理, and Resources

Dr. Michael Previti talks about understanding the signs, symptoms and prevention of stroke.


中风通讯、资源 & 支持团体

十大正规网赌软件和西澳大学医学院主办了普吉特海湾地区最活跃的中风俱乐部. 中风 survivors and caregivers are invited to attend to share experiences, make supportive friends and learn new skills. 

中风俱乐部每月通过Zoom开会. 欢迎所有中风幸存者和护理人员. 加入我们!

订阅中风俱乐部新闻 and receive updates and monthly meeting invitations.

